Videos Gabby Pogel Videos Gabby Pogel

Meet Jami!

Jami is one of our gifted participants who really enjoys expressing herself through her artistic abilities. Please take this moment to really get to know our sweet girl Jami as she takes you into her world.

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Videos Gabby Pogel Videos Gabby Pogel

Our Pathways Family

Meet some of the faces behind Pathways Community Living and learn more about how the “Everyday Lives” principle drives all of our programming and services for your loved one.

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Gabby Pogel Gabby Pogel

COVID -19 Can't Stop Us, with Eddie "Hollywood" Stabile

This is Eddie, also known as Hollywood, one of our amazing participants here at Pathways Community Living. And today we would like you to take a moment to show who this wonderful man is and how he has been dealing with COVID-19 since he's been stuck at home, and how his resiliency can be an inspiration to anyone.

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Gabby Pogel Gabby Pogel

COVID-19 Can't Stop Us: Joey and Melanie, A love story!

COVID-19 can't stop us from doing the things we love. Here's Melanie and Joey, they have been dating for the last 5 years. Despite the quarantine and not being able to see each like they were used to, these two have managed to stay positive and find their own unique outlets to help them pass the time.

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