COVID -19 Can't Stop Us, with Eddie "Hollywood" Stabile

Just like you, we are all stuck at home during this pandemic.

Quarantine has been a struggle for all of us, but this is a series to highlight those in our intellectually disabled community who are dealing with it just as hard as everyone else.

This is Eddie, also known as Hollywood, one of our amazing participants here at Pathways Community Living. And today we would like you to take a moment to show who this wonderful man is and how he has been dealing with COVID-19 since he's been stuck at home, and how his resiliency can be an inspiration to anyone.

We at Pathways encourage our participants to be their best selves, and we are so proud to give honor and a platform to all of our strong participants making it through this pandemic safely.

Please enjoy this video, and continue to be safe at this time.

-Your Pathways Community


Our Pathways Family


COVID-19 Can't Stop Us: Joey and Melanie, A love story!